Benefits of Amla (The Indian Goosebarry)
Amla (Indian Goosebarry) is really beneficial fruit for our health, lets see how it is.
Apart from salty juices, there are five other juices in Amla.
‘Nityan Amalke Lakshmi’
Amla is always considered to be the abode of Lakshmi.
Since Amla is best in fruits, it is advisable to eat Amla at the beginning, middle and end of the meal (green, powdered or licked), it is healthy.
From the sour juice of Amla to the airy, sweet and cold qualities
Bile and roughness disappear. And its Tura ras (kind of taste) clears the cough.
It is good for skin and acne. In addition, it is easy to digest, appetizing, digesting food, prolongs life and is nutritious.
Amla is beneficial in Dermatitis, jaundice, scabies, anorexia, jaundice, hemorrhoids, constipation, fever, heart disease, cough, cold, gonorrhea, sore throat, jaundice, worms, edema, amnesia and gonorrhea.
(1) Six teaspoons of Amla juice and three teaspoons of turmeric juice or one teaspoon of powder made in equal proportions of both in the morning and evening cures all types of urinary diseases. It also cures hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, inflammation, cough, pandu-anemia etc.
(2) To cure blackheads, acne and to beautify the face, boil and strain the Amla and wash the mouth with water and spray the eyes.
Dry Amla removes phlegm and itching, heals ulcers.
(3) Thin phlegm discharge from the nose, gout and stomach ailments Amla, sore throat, alcohol turmeric and Jethi honey decoction works well. Amla is diuretic, cold and chemical.
(4) In the heat of the urinary tract, irregular and very frequent menstruation, Where there is heat and frequent miscarriages, If the development of the fetus is stopped, mix 1–1 teaspoon of Amla powder, sugar and asparagus powder and take it every night after meal. Drink milk on top.
and make sure not to take spicy, hot, sharp things, hot spices, pickles, papad etc.
(5) Amla is a chemical, and it can cure any disease.
Fresh Amla is effective in new diseases and dry Amla is effective in old diseases.
Children should eat one Amla and adults two Amla daily.
When green amla is not available, one teaspoon of fine amla powder should be taken morning and evening.
Amla Marmalade:
Take 1 kilogram of Amla.
Do the needle piercing with each piece of the Amla and keep it in Drained water of lime
After this, boil well in two liters of water.
Do not overcook.
Then take out the amla and wipe dry with a cloth.
In such a way that the four thy of granulated sugar remain immersed in the syrup
then keep in a glass jar.
Eating this marmalade every morning, It grows fat for the lean-thin people,
Increases strength, vigor and strength. Increases immunity. Digestion becomes active, and it grows the all kinds of metal.
Dry Amla:
Take ripe, fresh, yellow and good quality Amla,Now boil the water properly and then add those Amla in the boiled water, keep it inside that boiled water for sometime and take it out and dry it. and lets wait until it become cool.
Now remove its seeds.
The seeds will come off easily.
Now dry the Amla in the shade and then Packed it in plastic bags.