Wonderful Benefits Of Banana
Ripe bananas are sweet, cold, sweet even in crops, increase semen and flesh, confirm, arouse interest as well as cure hunger, thirst, eye diseases and gonorrhea.
The iron in it is linked to chemicals that are quickly converted into blood.
Dry the ripe bananas in the shade, sugar, garnish and crush them.
This powder can be easily obtained in milk and given to a small child.
It can be given fearlessly to a six-day-old baby.
Raw bananas are heavy to digest.
Eating raw bananas makes the stomach feel heavy and it causes stomach ache.
Even ripe bananas are difficult to digest and should be eaten with a lot of care.
As it is cold and heavy, people with phlegm and slow digestion should not eat bananas.
Never eat too many bananas.
Some cardamom should be eaten after eating banana.
Bananas that have black spots on their bark and fall off the bunch are considered ripe.
And such bananas are easily digested.
Eating bananas regularly increases flesh and blood.
The body becomes strong.
Bananas are good for regular exercise.
1. Eating bananas after eating increases body weight. Eating bananas with milk and ghee increases the weight of a thin person.The body is bouncing.
2. Heat a ripe banana and tie it on the boil to make the boil burst. And then the cold banana heals quickly.
3. Boiled bananas, yoghurt and sugar can cure diarrhea.
4. Eating raw bananas gives more relief.
5. Eating bananas only three times a day and pouring cold water on the head lowers blood pressure.
6. Chopping banana juice cures sores and boils.
7. Eating ripe bananas and ghee cures bile disorders.
8. Indigestion caused by eating banana is eliminated by eating cardamom.
9. Eating dried banana powder with sugar eliminates body heat and gout.
10. Getting wheat flour in ripe bananas and tying it with hot curry reduces swelling.
11. Eating ripe banana with yoghurt before sunrise removes scabs on the tongue.
12. Eating ripe bananas with honey eliminates jaundice.
13. Eating ripe banana amla juice or powder and sugar cures leprosy and diabetic disease.
14. Eating banana with ghee cures heartburn.
15. Make a paste of ripe banana, get amla powder and sugar in it and eat it in the morning and evening, it cures leprosy in women.
16. Eating ripe bananas with yoghurt cures intestinal weakness.